“Renner” USA movie – Music by Rony Barrak – Releasing February 7th in USA
Proud to be the main “Music Composer” of this new American Movie “Renner” Directed by Robert Rippberger Thank you Robert and Producer Martin Medina for your trust and for believing in my Music & versatility.
#frankiemuniz #violettbeane #TaylorGray
By Director Robert Rippberger
Today Entertainment Weekly has debuted the film I directed, Renner, releasing February 7th in theaters!
A big thanks to this amazing cast @frankiemuniz4 @violettbeane @taylorgray3 @mgh_8 @robyngravees and my heads of department who are always performing miracles behind the scenes. @soniafoltarz @seanemerdp @cullengabe @ronybarrak @britrischitta @diegocorderodp @rennerthemovie @millennial.pr
Looking forward to sharing the film with you all!

USA movie – Music by Rony Barrak – releasing February 7th in USA