Thank you @Rony Barrak ,What A fantastic evening it was! London Symphony Orch ( Twitter @londonsymphony on 7.10.2016)
Morgenland Festival: NDR Bigband in Hannover
Rony Barrak schließlich ist ebenfalls ein unermüdlicher Grenzgänger und zudem ein Musiker, dessen Soli auf der Darbouka in ihrem Drive umwerfend und in ihrer Vielfalt schlichtweg unbegreiflich sind – unbegreiflich gut
(Finally, Rony Barrak is also a tireless frontier worker and also a musician whose solos on Darbouka are stunning in their drive and in their variety are simply incomprehensible incomprehensibly good) Osnabrücker Zeitung by RalF Döring
“Rony Barrak is an excellent musician” by the Legend Arturo Sandoval at LBCI TV -Beirut Jazz Festival, “In Touch” Lebanon
“A Sublime Virtuoso” by Roger Ebert, screenwriter/film critic, Chicago Sun-Times, Chicago- USA
“Boulder Philharmonic goes exotic with Tabla virtuoso Rony Barrak… A riveting performance… Lebanese musician Rony Barrak is an absolute master of the instrument” Daily Camera, Boulder-USA
“Le percussionniste Rony Barrak a enflammé la foule” Prestige Le Monde de célébretiés, Lebanon
“Rony Barrak proceeds to amaze the crowd with technique and speed that many of us would have difficulty matching with sticks. He also has the ability to play musically in a style reminiscent of Airto Moreira’s tambourine solos.” Rhythm, UK.